Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blog 14: Dance Showcase

Although this is a picture of last year's spring dance showcase, I witnessed a lot of physics relating to this year's dance showcase. Before every show, we have at least one dress rehearsal. Mrs. O always says we have dress rehearsals because the lighting guy is going to watch our rehearsal. I've never really thought about why he needs to come watch our rehearsal until this year. I never really thought the lighting was a huge factor in our show, but I have realized without it the show is a lot duller. Through our studies on color, I have learned that by combining the primary colors of light, red, green, and blue, other colors, magenta, yellow, and cyan, can be created. In this picture, the background is magenta which is the combination of red and blue lights. At the NBC, I noticed that in order to light up the background, they put lights in the back of the backdrop. The lights shining from the front of the stage are used to illuminate our costumes. When we were rehearsing our dance, our costumes that are usually a dark blue appeared to be more greenish, which was caused by the lighting. Also I noticed that people with red hair became very illuminated probably because red light was shining on them.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog 13: Grey's Anatomy Physics

This past weekend I was watching some old Grey's Anatomy episodes from season 2. If you watch Grey's Anatomy, I was watching the episode where McSteamy (Dr. Mark Sloane) gets punched in the face by his ex-best friend, McDreamy (Dr. Derek Shepherd). Since McSteamy is a plastic surgeon, he refuses to let an intern sew stitches on his perfect face, so he asks her to get him a mirror so he can do it himself. Unlike the misuse of the mirror in the movie we saw in class, the cameras actually show the right angle of the mirror. Since he is looking at himself in the mirror, we are not supposed to be able to see exactly what he sees, his own reflection. Instead the mirror shows images of x-rays that are in the back of the examination room. I was very surprised to see that they correctly portrayed this mirror scene on my favorite show!